Jill Masek

Director of Sales
[email protected]
(402) 479-1402

  • Originally from Plymouth, NE
  • Began her career in radio in 2000 at KUTT 99.5 in Beatrice and Fairbury
  • Started at Broadcast House in April 2008, after a move to Ceresco
  • Promoted to Director of Sales in 2016
  • Married to her husband, Andy, and together they have one son, Jackson in college,
  • Keeps busy on their farm SE of Lincoln, raising crops, cows, horses, pigs, ducks, chickens and whatever else they bring home from the sale barn
  • Jill enjoys sharing her passion for marketing with clients as well as coworkers

Jill specializes in working with ag clients and those businesses in smaller towns.

Q&A with Jill

Best advice you've ever been given?

Always look 'em in the eye.

This too shall pass.

Favorite superhero and why?

My Grandma Margaret Frank - she ran circles around everyone, she was the most loving, caring person, you could literally feel her warmth. She knew what rules to keep and what rules to break.

What is your superpower?

Taking a ton of information and organizing it.


Favorite Food?


What gets you out of bed every day?

Literally, my dogs.

Any celebrity encounters?

I played poker with Eric Church when he was still an up and come'r.

Favorite place to travel?


Best concert you've attended?

Garth Brooks - all of them

If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you'd do?

Letting my boss know that she might never see me again...

Who is your celebrity doppelganger?

When I wore my hair straight and with bangs, it was Sarah Palin.